Soy beans is known as the snacks that have great nutritional value, The doctors also agreed that soy good for bone density, maintain weight and treat various diseases. The good news for women is soybeans can be used as a beauty treatment, Soy is the kind of nuts that are common in East Asia. They are classified as oilseeds, Soy is considered a complete protein because of the amount of essential amino acids.
Here are the benefits of soy for beauty :
1. Moisturizing the skin.
Soybean is the best moisturizer for combination skin, because it can moisturize the parts dry skin, as well as scrape the excess oil on oily skin, In addition, soybeans also able to diminish the signs of aging such as skin discoloration, dark spots, fine lines and even handcuffs, Aging makes the loss of estrogen that acts to maintain skin elasticity, Soy contains phytoestrogens to help the body produce more estrogen which can reduce wrinkles and fine lines, Soybeans also contain vitamin E, which can get rid of dead skin cells and form new skin cells making the face look younger and radiant, To moisturize the skin the way is quite easy to do just by crushing soybeans that have added a little water and apply on face and leave on for 15 to 20 minutes. This treatment can be used three times a week.
2. To strengthen nails.
Soy is very good for brittle nails, Eating soy regularly for six months will make the nails strong and shines, Soybeans are also able to moisturize the nails. In addition, soy is also known to treat nail fungus infection, The way is just dip the nail in the soy sauce and you are free of the fungus.
3. Makes hair shine.
Soy can also be used as hair care products, Benefits can make hair smooth, soft and shiny, The way is by applying a soy bean juice on the hair, Do this treatment for three months to see the desired results.
Happy Reading and hopefully useful.
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