Morning sickness is often annoying for pregnant women, but there are some tips to get rid of it. Nausea (morning sickness) generally accompanies early pregnancy. In many cases, the nausea would increase the second trimester. For most pregnant women, morning sickness and nausea may last longer, even for the entire nine months of pregnancy. Nausea can also be accompanied by vomiting that can lead to dehydration which can harm the mother and fetus. Normally, morning sickness will subside by itself as the pregnancy hormone levels were decreased after the second trimester.

Symptoms of morning sickness can range from no tolerance to the smell of food or a certain smell, nausea, and vomiting on a daily basis. Fraction often have these symptoms and some will require further treatment from a doctor.
During this time a lot of discussion about medical treatment for morning sickness, but few are discussed possible causes of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. Although the cause of morning sickness is not clear, many who argued that the symptoms experienced by pregnant women as a form of protection for the developing fetus from substances that harmful to the baby.
Here are tips to get rid of morning sickness:
1. Eat in small portions but more frequently. Eating large meals will only make the stomach becomes too full and can trigger nausea.
2. Consumption of healthy and balanced diet that provides all the nutrients and energy needed by the body.
3. Provide always, snacks. Snacks will be nice to avoid an empty stomach, especially at night.
4. Morning sickness generally be followed by a decrease in appetite. To maintain the level of nutrition and energy intake, choose foods that most arouse your appetite.
5. Drink more water to compensate for dehydration, especially when frequency of nausea and vomiting is often.
6. Eating foods that contain lots of carbohydrate intake with fresh vegetables.
7. A time for napping as a way to restore energy levels and eliminate fatigue.
8. Get plenty of rest. Avoid sleeping too late let alone stay up.
9. Wear loose-fitting clothing. Avoid tight clothing because it can aggravate the stomach area with nausea.
10. Make sure the air circulation inside the house remains smooth. The air is fresh and free of dust will create a calmer mind.
11. Do not starve yourself before you eat something. Eat small meals throughout the day as well as whenever you feel hungry.
12. Eat in bed to avoid an empty stomach and keep blood sugar on an even keel.
13. As soon as you wake up in the morning, have crackers or dry toast. Rest for around 20 to 30 minutes and then get up from the bed.
14. Whenever you feel nauseated, have bland foods, like crackers, gelatin, broth, ginger ale, saltine crackers and pretzels.
15. Try to eat and drink something that contains ginger. Drink ginger ale, eat ginger candies or sip ginger tea.
16. Take foods that are high in proteins and complex carbohydrates, such as peanut butter, celery, nuts, cheese, crackers, milk, cottage cheese and yoghurt, to fight nausea.
17. To combat the nauseated feeling, take herbal teas, fruit juices, milkshakes and popsicles. Reduce your intake of tea and coffee.
18. Avoid or reduce the use of spices and fats. Fried food can make the nausea all the more worse.
19. Minimize your stress, as morning sickness is more common in women who are under a great deal of stress, either at work or at home.
20. Aromatherapy. Use a tissue with a few drops of aromatherapy essential oils of lemon or mandarin oranges to breathe when you feel nauseous. To select other aromatherapy, you need to consult with experts in aromatherapy because there are some scents that is not recommended for pregnant women-even may harm the fetus.
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