You reach for the closest red can. It is slightly smaller than the can you're looking for, but you don't notice because you're rushed. You add two tablespoons of the white powder to the cup of cold milk you have sitting on the counter. You turn around to get a spoon so that you can stir it up and add it to the warm chicken stock on the nearby stove.
But, by the time you turn around, you notice that you have created a white volcano that is overflowing the mixing cup and spilling down the counter onto the floor. You make a run for the sink with the volcano in hand, but you leave a trail of frothy white meringue-y stuff the whole way there... two tablespoons of baking powder is enough to do that to a cup of milk, I've discovered!
You get a good chuckle, wish your kids could have seen the amazing display, quickly clean up the trail of froth and start with a fresh cup of milk. This time you use cornstarch from the bigger red can, thankful that you had an extra cup of milk to spare in a house where the gallon always seems to be nearly empty.
Had any kitchen bloopers lately? I'd love to hear about them...
Keeping this health journey adventuresome and fun,
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